Cable Removal Service in Toronto
Literally, miles of cabling left in the ceilings and walls from previous network installations by previous tenants have accumulated in most buildings. These abandoned cables are a source of fuel in a fire. The smoke from these cables has lethal toxic fumes that can incapacitate and kill without ever seeing the flames.
This will jeopardize fire inspections, your fire insurance, and represent a significant legal liability.
Everyday demo crew unskilled in Voice and Data often cut the wrong cables taking down the phones and network in neighboring suites or floors in your building or complex. This adds up to loss of revenue and costly repairs you may be charged by your neighbors. Toronto Cabling has a highly skilled technical staff capable of performing the identification and removal task according to code and without interrupting live services you want to keep.
Toronto Cabling can help building owners remain in compliance. We provide technical expertise in cabling removal services and can avoid end of lease penalties.